Walled City:
the Art of the Mural
Featuring the best work of 36 artists from every corner of the globe, Walled City makes it clear how large-scale murals have become an integral part of the urban landscape. As the friendly competition between artists continues to accelerate the level of the talent, skill and execution, the awareness of these incredible installations is increasingly capturing our collective attention and imagination. These intrepid artists deftly utilize paintbrushes, spray cans, stencils and rollers to install their work, often risking life and limb. Encouraged by private commissions and cultivated by urban planners, many artists enjoy support for increasingly ambitious projects.
Book Specs: 210 x 285 mm, 240p
Format: full colour, Hardcover
Release date: Jun 2017
Language: English
ISBN 978-988-77408-9-6