The Other World:
Asian Myths and Folklore Illustrations
Asian myths and folklore are appealing to many people. From Chinese folklore and Japanese legends to Indian myths, they embrace Buddhist and Shinto traditions as well as other religions, and they convey abundant cultural messages for exploration. Through illustrations, the artists portray these ancient stories in a visual, artistic and intuitive way, interpreting them with their philosophy and aesthetics.

The Other World: Asian Myths and Folklore Illustrations features expressive works of distinguished illustrators who are passionate about Asian myths and folklore. This book contains both single and series illustrations aimed at exploring the tacit connection between illustrated works and Asian myths, and serves as an inspirational book full of oriental elements for both illustrators and story lovers alike.
Book Specs: 210 x 260 mm, 240p
Format: full colour, Hardcover
Release date: Aug 2018
Language: English
ISBN 978-988-179475-2-3