Book Design:
From the Printing Basics to the Most Impressive Designs
Have you ever been curious about what are the basic parts of a book? And how can we possibly make a book from zero to one? Book Design: From the Printing Basics to the Most Impressive Designs is a book to answer all your questions in mind. This three-chapter book offers you an overview of what a book is, how it is made, and how we could elevate it with good design and print techniques. The first chapter focuses on theoretical knowledge; the second chapter includes book designs of six selected book masters, followed by one-to-one interviews with these designers; the third chapter presents contemporary book designs all over the world with details that make them stand out. It is not just a ‘must-have’ book for designers in the field, but a ‘should-have’ book for those who want to know more about a book’s structure, design, and manufacture.